Bird Photos February ’23

Hooded Mergansers

Wood Ducks (and turtles)

Hairy Woodpecker

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Hermit Thrush

Barred Owl

Northern Flicker

Northern Cardinal

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

White-breasted Nuthatch

Pileated Woodpecker

Female Mallard

Rufous hummingbird

Brown-headed Nuthatch

Red-tailed Hawk

Painted Turtles (okay, not birds, but still pretty amazing!)

And God said, ‘Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.'” Genesis 1:14

Best Bird Pictures of January ’23

Red-headed Woodpecker

White-throated Sparrow

Red-tailed Hawk

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Northern Flicker

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Brown-headed nuthatch

Brown Thrasher

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Great Blue Heron

“Of all the various out-door recreations I have tried, when it comes to genuine, exciting sport, give me hunting with a camera.” ~ Roger Tory Peterson

A Rare C.S. Lewis Book

Mere Inkling Press


Just because you read a book doesn’t mean you need to purchase it for your library. Yet some of us do feel compelled to add almost every volume we enjoy to our personal collections. The dilemma arises when the cost of a particular book may exceed its “long-term” value to us.

Faced with this question a few weeks ago, I pursued a course open to many readers of Mere Inkling. I simply borrowed the book from my local library, which in turn borrowed it via interlibrary loan from a university in a neighboring state. Most libraries offer this service without charge. I regularly use it when researching obscure subjects I don’t anticipate I will continue to follow.

The subject of the particular text I am currently reading, of course, C.S. Lewis. While I believe I own a copy of every work ever written by Lewis that has been published, I doubt any human being could gather together…

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INSPY Shortlist 2016

The INSPY Shortlist for 2016 has been announced, and though some of these books are already on my TBR list, I can see I will need to add several more.

The INSPY awards were created by bloggers for the best literature “that grapples with expressions of the Christian faith”. The categories include: historical romance, debut fiction, speculative fiction, and literature for young adults.

20160505_105741I already have two books in the historical romance category that I am looking forward to reading. One by Jody Hedlund is Luther and Katharina, a story of a monk and a nun who fall in love in the 16th century. You’ve probably heard of the monk, Martin Luther. I’ve read a couple of Jody Hedlund’s books in her Beacons of Hope series and know that she is a skilled and entertaining writer.

The other I’m looking forward to reading is Lori Benton’s The Wood’s Edge.  I read her book, Burning Sky, last year and can highly recommend it. Several people in a group I belong to in Goodreads have already read The Wood’s Edge and can only rave about it.


One more author I’ll recommend writes speculative fiction, (what I would call fantasy) Patrick Carr. I read A Cast of Stones and am ready to read the second in that series. His book that has been nominated for an INSPY is Shock of Night, the start of a new series.

To see the full list of nominations, go to: and have fun reading!

Celebrating Shakespeare

It was four years ago on a rainy Sunday afternoon that my husband and I were able to visit Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-Upon-Avon. Being able to visit England at all was a dream come true. Going into the church where Shakespeare was baptized as a baby and was also buried in was an amazing experience for me.P1000119

I should have had my husband stand next to this sign so you could see how low the door here actually is. I suppose this sign pointing to Shakespeare’s grave is taken down while they are having services, but it seemed rather makeshift for a grave that has been here for almost 400 years.


Just entering these old churches gave me a sense of awe, thinking of the history of the places. Building a place to worship God so many years ago–did any of those builders and craftsmen think this place would be here so many years later? How many sermons have been preached here and how many songs of worship have been sung?


I suppose the people that live here and worship at this church are accustomed to having Will’s grave right there, front and center. I can’t help but wonder, however, what Shakespeare himself would think about it. I’m sure he would have something clever to say. Something like: “And so from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe, and then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot; and thereby hangs a tale.” Oh, right, he wrote that in that fairly well-known play, As You Like It.


Why do we continue to celebrate the life of someone who died 400 years ago? Because his works are still alive. There are few writers whose works continue to impress with their skill at telling a story and their ability to use words as a master craftsman.

A tour of one of Shakespeare’s first folio is making its way across the United States. Read more about that here:

Read all of his works and looking for more? Check out these young adult titles which feature a story line taken from Shakespeare:

Still Star-Crossed Melinda Taub (Romeo & Juliet)

They Were Liars E. Lockhart (King Lear)

Loving Will Shakespeare Carolyn Meyer (fictionalized account of Shakespeare meeting future wife, Anne Hathaway)

The Fool’s Girl Celia Rees (Twelfth Night)

Enter Three Witches Caroline B. Cooney (Macbeth)

Read about these and more at:

I’m listening to the audio version of They Were Liars right now. What about you? Going to read any Shakespeare this weekend to celebrate the past 400 years of literary genius?

April is National Poetry Month

spring poetry wordle

April is National Poetry Month, so it’s a good time to, not only read some poetry, but to discover some new poets and explore different types of poetry. I have to admit, that my reading has not included reading poetry as much as it should, though when I think about it, I have enjoyed poetry through the years. My earliest memories include the love of Green Eggs and Ham and Fox in Socks. What better introduction to poetry than Dr. Seuss?  Though it was required reading for me in college (usually a death knell to the enjoyment of reading), I greatly enjoyed reading Paradise Lost as well as The Odyssey.  As a writer, reading poetry helps me to see words in a different way; a more musical way. Ray Bradbury read poems before beginning a day’s work. In Zen in the Art of Writing, he said, “Poetry is good because it flexes muscles you don’t use often enough. Poetry expands the senses and keeps them in prime condition.”

I am now reading through a collection of poems edited by my favorite poet, Luci Shaw. The collection,  A Widening Light: Poems of the Incarnation, includes poems from several poets, including Luci Shaw herself. Using poetry to help us worship God is nothing new. We all know the Psalms as works of poetry, as well as the books of Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Lamentations.


Perhaps no one explains better why we should read poetry than the teacher, John Keating, played by Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society.

In anticipation of hearing Shelby Stephenson, Poet Laureate of North Carolina, speak next week, I am going to pick up his book, Fiddledeedee, from the library.

Any favorite poets or poems you’ll be reading this month?