Favorite Bird Shots of April ’24

Pileated Woodpecker

Wood Duck ducklings

Ducklings and Otter

Wood Duck pair

Red-winged Blackbird

White-eyed Vireo

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (male)

Red-headed Woodpecker

Great Blue Heron (notice the fishing line around his legs)

Solitary Sandpiper

Red-shouldered Hawk on nest (I paid for this shot. When I turned my back, she dive-bombed me and hit me on the top of the head. I thought a coconut had fallen out of the tree).

Red-tailed Hawk

American Redstart

Mother Mallard and a few of her (at least) 14 ducklings

Prothonotary Warbler

Pine Warbler

Barred Owl Fledgling

Mama Wood Duck plus three

Eastern Kingbird

Birds of December ’23

Blue-headed Vireo (took this in November, but overlooked it and I don’t get many pictures of this one).

Red-headed Woodpecker

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Carolina Wren

Northern Flicker (male)

Red-headed Woodpecker (juvenile)

Red-shouldered Hawk

Hairy Woodpecker

Northern Flicker (female) Can you tell I like woodpeckers?

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Dark-eyed Junco

Eastern Bluebird (male)

Belted Kingfisher

White-throated Sparrow

Great Blue Heron

Red-tailed Hawk

River Otter (not a bird, obviously; but I enjoyed seeing them).

Happy New Year!