Favorite Bird Photos from March ’24

Pied-billed Grebe

Mallard (male)

Pileated Woodpecker

Brown-headed Nuthatch

Wood Duck (male)

Barred Owl (getting sleepy)

Barred Owl–napping in the sun

Eastern Towhee

Belted Kingfisher

Northern Flicker (male)

Juvenile Barred Owl taking a nap

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Bald Eagle

Wood Ducks. Very cloudy day, so hard to get great pictures of these ducks in a tree. There are two pairs though one of the females has her back to us.

Red-shouldered Hawk

Great Egret

“Every time you feel in God’s creatures something pleasing and attractive, do not let your attention be arrested by them alone, but, passing them by, transfer your thought to God and say: ‘O my God, if Thy creations are so full of beauty, delight and joy, how infinitely more full of beauty, delight and joy art Thou Thyself, Creator of all!’ Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain

Favorite Bird Pics of February ’24

Pair of Wood Ducks checking out a potential nesting box

Brown-headed Nuthatch working on a new home

Great Blue Herons and Mallards Ducks–I think these mallards hired the herons as sentinels. The herons never moved the whole two hours I was there while the mallards slept or paddled around.

Hermit Thrush–I’ve seen and heard these birds quite a bit this winter. They will migrate north in the spring, so listen for them while you can.

Belted kingfisher (female)

Golden-crowned Kinglet–These little guys spend their summers nesting and breeding the high elevation spruce-fir forests of Appalachian North Carolina. They grace us here in the Piedmont with their presence during the winter months.

Red-shouldered Hawks–He brought her a snake but she didn’t seem interested.

Eastern Bluebird (male)

Pileated Woodpecker

Cedar Waxwing

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Red-headed Woodpecker

Pine Warbler

“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Jesus; Matthew 6:26)